中國石化新聞網訊 據海外媒體5月20日休斯敦報道,美國貝克休斯公司日前公布的統計數據顯示,4月份國際在用鉆機數為1202部,環比減少了49部,同比減少了147部。 統計數據顯示,4月份國際海上在用鉆機數為300部,環比減少了16部,同比減少了29部。 4月份美國平均在用鉆機數為976部,環比減少了134部,同比減少了859部。4月份加拿大平均在用鉆機數為90部,環比減少了106部,同比減少了114部。 4月份全球在用鉆機數為2268部,環比減少了289部,同比減少了1120部。
李峻 編譯
原文如下: Baker Hughes Announces April 2015 Rig Counts May 20, 2015> Baker Hughes Incorporated announced that the international rig count for April 2015 was 1,202, down 49 from the 1,251 counted in March 2015, and down 147 from the 1,349 counted in April 2014. The international offshore rig count for April 2015 was 300, down 16 from the 316 counted in March 2015, and down 29 from the 329 counted in April 2014. The average U.S. rig count for April 2015 was 976, down 134 from the 1,110 counted in March 2015, and down 859 from the 1,835 counted in April 2014. The average Canadian rig count for April 2015 was 90, down 106 from the 196 counted in March 2015, and down 114 from the 204 counted in April 2014. The worldwide rig count for April 2015 was 2,268, down 289 from the 2,557 counted in March 2015, and down 1,120 from the 3,388 counted in April 2014.